
Tuesday, 03 December 2024AHS 6|24 - Cybercrime? Cyber attacks? Human vulnerability !!!

New variants of criminal activities are constantly being developed to illegally obtain information and data, highly developed technologies, processes, patents and customer information. The motives lie in the realisation of financial gain or the acquisition of power.

Employees at all hierarchical levels with their diverse business and private social contacts offer a broad attack surface, all the more so as companies are focussing heavily on securing their IT systems against cyberattacks. The exploited vulnerability, the user himself, is increasingly becoming the focus of attackers. People and their behaviour therefore pose the greatest risk to a company.


Chris Eckert / Kriminalist, Geschäftsführer und Gründungspartner Swiss Business Protection AG

Chris Eckert ist seit 2009 selbständig tätig als Senior Consultant, Kriminalist und CSO in den Bereichen Informationssicherheit, Forensik und Kriminalprävention. Er unterrichtet zu diesen Themen wie auch zu Social Engineering / Human Hacking an anerkannten Ausbildungsinstituten. Er ist zudem Studiengangsleiter CAS Business Protection an der HWZ. Ch. Eckert verfügt über mehr als 35 Jahre kriminalistische Erfahrung, zuerst als Ermittler und Fahndungschef bei der Kantonspolizei Zürich, anschliessend als Kommissariatsleiter der Bundeskriminalpolizei im Bereich der Organisierten Kriminalität. Sein praktisches Wissen und die Erfahrungen in Wirtschaftskriminalität, Cyberattacken sowie Industrie- und Wirtschaftsspionage gibt er gerne weiter.

Chris Eckert has been self-employed since 2009 as a senior consultant, criminalist and CSO in the fields of information security, forensics and crime prevention. He teaches on these topics as well as on social engineering / human hacking at recognised training institutes. He is also head of the CAS Business Protection programme at the HWZ. Ch. Eckert has more than 35 years of criminalistic experience, first as an investigator and head of investigation with the Zurich Cantonal Police, then as head of the Federal Criminal Police in the field of organised crime. He is happy to pass on his practical knowledge and experience in white-collar crime, cyber attacks and industrial and commercial espionage.

Location Map

Event Properties

Event Date 03. Dec 2024 16:40
Event End Date 03. Dec 2024 17:40
Capacity Unlimited
Individual Price free
Sprache / Language Deutsch / German
CPE Hours 1
Location Hybrid Event - Detecon (Schweiz), Zurich AG
We are no longer accept registrations for this event

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